K-Kids is an international student led organization providing
members with opportunities to perform service, build character,
and develop leadership.
This group is sponsored by the Martin Kiwanis Club.
The objectives of K-Kids are:
- To provide opportunities for working together in service
to school and service community.
To develop leadership potential.
To foster the development of strong moral character.
To encourage loyalty to school, community and nation.
MES K-Kids meets the first and third Thursday of each month.
Exceptions may be on holidays or during Soybean week. K-Kids
meets from 2:30 to 3:15 and pickup is at the back entrance of the school.
Activities that K-Kids is involved in is picking up litter on school grounds;
serving at the annual pancake breakfast; and writing letters or cards to
soldiers/nursing homes/orphanages. K-Kids also participates in collecting
items for St. Jude patients and collecting can tabs county-wide for the
Ronald McDonald House.